Lost In Relation
Lost in Relation represents in its whole the time and energy we're able to spend in our everyday life. We identified 4 primary topics to describe the biggest part of that.
Our Self
Starting from the inside, we acknowledge that some of our time and energy is needed to care for ourselves. We cannot neglect ourselves entirely for other topics, this would break us. As Symbol we chose a simplified Silhouette of a human being.

Our Relationships
As human being we're bound to be social. We acknowledge that some of our time and energy is needed to care about the ones we love, our family, our friends, our partners, our friends, collegeues and many more. If we would neglect those for other topics, this would break us. As Symbol we chose a Heart.

Our Work
Work can mean different things to us. Many work in any different ways. Often to earn something of some value which allows us to live. Might it be in exchange or in creation. It is rare to be in a position where we can neglect entirely our contribution to society around us. As symbol we chose a Hand holding a tool.

Our Regeneration
No matter how much time and energy we spend on other things, we always need to regenerate. May it simply be through sleep, reading, leisure activities, spirituality or other means. If we neglect our regeneration we will burn out. As symbol we chose a butterfly. (Alternative: a closed eye)

These topics overlap. They include a lot, but not everything. Some even contradict each other. They give us an interpretation of what we do in our everyday life.
Lost in Relation represents in its whole the time and energy we're able to spend in our everyday life. We identified 4 primary topics to describe the biggest part of that.
Lost in Relation represents in its whole the time and energy we're able to spend in our everyday life. We identified 4 primary topics to describe the biggest part of that.