Spielmaschine 3m
The small Spielmaschine was a lot of fun, but why not create an even bigger one? Using lasercutted panels and a metal frame, it can hold 1800 pixels and creates a 3 meter wide screen.
Nowhere 2019

The first installment was at Nowhere 2019 where the panels proofed to be fine with extreme winds, and the whole thing was completely solar-powered. Sadly the interactive controller to play games did not survive transportation, so it was mainly a giant message board.
Hamburn 2019

At Hamburn a few months later the controller worked and the maze game could be played. At day time the LEDs where still bright enough to show some messages about Burning Man principles.

Failed Teleport Experiment & Northern Lights & Munich Micro Burn 2021
In 2021 the Spielmaschine got a new bigger Gamepad for improved gameplay.